The next RG - RX-0 [N] Unicorn Gundam 02 Banshee Norn

Bandai officially announced the next RG (after RG Jonny Ridden's Zaku II) will be Unicorn Gundam 02 Banshee Norn. Same as RG Unicorn Gundam, Bandai will release an initial release with Premium "Unicorn Mode" box. Both can be preordered now at our online store, click below link:

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1/100 YR-04 Fire Lord – SNAA × Starry Craftsman Official Images Revealed!

The highly anticipated YR-04 Fire Lord (苍炎之魂 · 焱皇), the third installment in the “Imperial Lords” (皇者) series by SNAA and Starry Craftsman, ...

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