DeToyz Plamo Contest 2022 |
The result of our DeToyz PLAMO Contest 2022 is out! Check them out.
Congratulation to all the winners and thank you so much to all contestants to make this event successful. Your model can be collected from today onwards. 🙏
Thank you to all contestants who joining our yearly event - DeToyz Plamo Contest 2022.
Here's the photos of contestant entries (photos sequences are random, no ranking yet). Result will be announced via our official FB page on 18th Aug 2022.
DeToyz Plamo Contest 2022 began! The contest period is set to start from 18th May until 30th July 2022. You can use any model kits (that you can find at DeToyz during this period) to join our contest. This is our yearly event for our customer to share their modelling work.
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