LEGO 76073 Mighty Micros: Wolverine vs Magneto review

I'd a good respond when I did the review on the 1st wave of LEGO Mighty Micros sets (76061~76066) last year.
This year, I'll continue to review the 2nd wave of the LEGO Mighty Micros sets (76068~76073). I'll start with the last number of the series - 76073 Wolverine vs Magneto. 😊

There is no change in retail price for the new Mighty Micros sets - RM49.90 (same as previous sets). This 76073 set comes with 85pcs.
From the outer box. we can see the box is now sealed with security tape instead of glue (good news for box collector 😊)

Inside the box, you can find the bricks are packed in 2 bags, instruction manual for each Mighty Micros, a part list and 2 sheets of cape (packed in 2 different box).

Wolverine and Blackbird Jet

The Wolverine minifigure come with a yellow torso printed with black stripes on both front and back. It's also detailed with a red belt with "X" on the buckle. Same as other mighty micro, the minifigure come with short legs and it is in blue color. The face expression is better than the previous mighty micros sets, it is cartoony but not silly. A pair of grey claw is included with the minifigure (yup, wolverine must come with claw, right? 😀)

As for the Blackbird Jet, it is a simple build but the design is awesome. You can see 2 pairs of wings and the thrusters are built by transparent orange cones. As usual, no sticker is used in the set, all parts are printed - the control panel and the "X" logo on the 1x2 slope piece at the front of the vehicle.

Magneto and it's vehicle.
Personally I like the design and the color of this Magneto. The torso is in red color, with purple button printed on the upper area. The cape is a new purple soft fabric (surprisingly they give an extra cape in this set) whilst the legs are plain purple. Helmet is not new, same as the previous Magneto, match with a plain black color head. His accessory is a purple dish that has some printing on it.

The build of Magneto's vehicle is relatively simple. Basically it's a giant magnet. The front of the vehicle uses a 1x2 purple slope attached with the steering wheel. The thruster is a 2x2 rounded slope with 2 transparent blue dishes fitted on it.

Overall this is a nice sets with a lots of details on both the vehicles and minifigures. The facial expression is better than last year mighty micros sets and I would say more people will like them.

Unboxing Video:

Upcoming LEGO BrickHeadz Official Images revealed!

Last year LEGO announced the LEGO BrickHeadz sets in SDCC and those sets were only exclusive to the convention.
Now, LEGO revealed the official images of the upcoming LEGO BrickHeardz sets and these sets will be in the market this year March. The new sets cover characters from various franchises including The Batman Movie, Civil War and Age of Ultron. From the images we can know the Captain America and Iron Man sets are not same as the SDCC sets.

41585 Batman (The Lego Batman Movie) - 91pcs

41586 Batgirl (The Lego Batman Movie) - 99pcs

41587 Robin (The Lego Batman Movie) - 101pcs

41588 The Joker (The Lego Batman Movie) - 151pcs

41589 Captain America (Civil War) - 79pcs

41590 Iron Man (Civil War) - 96pcs

41591 Black Widow (Civil War) - 143pcs

41592 The Hulk (Age of Ultron) - 93pcs

Remodelling Figure-Rise Bust Fumina Hoshino

Keita has turned the figure-rise bust Fumina Hoshino into a spice girl. 😄
Which version do you like?

Bandai releasing new Star Wars Yoda Model kit

This is a super cool news! Bandai will be releasing the Star Wars Yoda model kit in Mar and the price is about 3000yen. This kit comes with 2 scales, yes, you heard me correct, both 1/12 and 1/6 are in one kit. They are not only different in the size, but the era too. The 1/12 Yoda is from "The Empire Strikes Back" whilst the 1/6 Yoda is from "Attack of the Clones"

1/12 Yoda:

Basically the 1/12 Yoda will have very limited articulation, perhaps a statue!? It is understandable as in the movie Yoda is less than 3 feet, so it is not easy to make a small model kit with full articulation. The robe should be same rubber material as the model Kylo Ren's that released earlier. It comes with a cane for this 6 inch model.

1/6 Yoda:

The 1/6 Yoda will have have full articulation and comes with an extra head and several hands. As the accessories, they are providing a cane, a lightsaber (hilt and ignited).

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