2016 GBWC Malaysia

2016 GBWC Malaysia started yesterday. We can see some very talent entries this year. Here are some selected images of this year Malaysia GBWC entries.

71017 LEGO Minifigure Batman Movie Series Officially Announced

Alright, yesterday we posted the list of the upcoming LEGO Minifigure Batman Movie Series. Today, LEGO officially announced the images of the minifigure. :)
Check them out!

Glam Metal Batman

Clan of the Cave Batman

Vacation Batman

Fairly Batman

Lobster-Lovin' Batman


Zodiac Master

Dick Grayson

Nurse Harley Quinn

Commissioner Gordon




Arkham Asylum Joker

Red Hood


Barbara Gordon

King Tut

March Harriet

Pink Power Batgirl

Gunpla & model kits new arrival and restock 22 Nov'16

New Gunpla, Star Wars and Macross model kits just arrived our shop. Many old classic sets were restocked. Check them out.

Feature Post

1/100 YR-04 Fire Lord – SNAA × Starry Craftsman Official Images Revealed!

The highly anticipated YR-04 Fire Lord (苍炎之魂 · 焱皇), the third installment in the “Imperial Lords” (皇者) series by SNAA and Starry Craftsman, ...

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