Happy New Year, 2016!!

Come to the end of 2015, I have to say that 2015 had been a great year to us. A big THANK YOU to all the people that helped and supported us all this while, and definitely we can't achieve our goals without you.

In 2016, I'm sure there is a bigger challenge ahead, and I will try my very best to provide better services, bringing in more good products varieties, more activity/event.... and work harder and more smily face perhaps :)

I would like to wish all of you and your family a Happy New Year. May all your wishes come true.

Lego sets restock 23rd Dec 2015

Some great Lego sets just being restocked. Check them out.

Gunpla restock 23rd Dec 2015

This will be our last restock of Bandai Gunpla this year, 2015. :)
Drop by our shop at Seremban to find out more.

Bandai P-Bandai items.

Master Grade Gunpla restock.

High Grade Gunpla and others.

Bandai Star Wars Model kits

The new Bandai Star Wars 1/12 First Order StormTrooper kit just hit our store today. This will be a great item as a Christmas present. :)
Besides, some others Star Wars kits being restocked too. Check them out.

Feature Post

1/100 YR-04 Fire Lord – SNAA × Starry Craftsman Official Images Revealed!

The highly anticipated YR-04 Fire Lord (苍炎之魂 · 焱皇), the third installment in the “Imperial Lords” (皇者) series by SNAA and Starry Craftsman, ...

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