Detoyz’s model of hall of fame (模型の殿堂)

- An activity for seremban ppl who love modelling.
- This is no competition but a platform for seremban ppl to share their works with each other.
  • Open to all DeToyz’s customer
  • This leaderboard will be run every 2 months until end of 2015 (will increase the frequency if necessary). A theme will be set for every match.
  • This month’s theme is “Build a GM”. A GM from any story line will do, there is no rules on how you present your gunpla, as long as it is built by you.
  • Send your best Gundam’s photo to our Facebook’s inbox (do not post on our Facebook’s timeline) or email us from 16th~31st March 2015. You can add some explanation of works or description in the email if you want.
  • We will compile all photos and post them on our Facebook page on 1st April 2015. Voting start from 1st~8th April. 
  • Send us a selfie with your Gunpla to prove the Gunpla is built by you and not from internet. This photo will not be posted out.
  • Ranking will be based on:
    • votes from the public (based on number of likes - 60%)
    • votes from our internal judges (40%)
  • An ultimate prize will be given to the highest scorer at the end of 2015.