RE/100 MSF-007 Gundam MK-III

The new RE/100 - MSF-007 Gundam MK-III
Release in Jan 2015 in Japan.

Lego MOC: Baymax from Big Hero 6

This is awesome! The Lego builder, Li Li, built the cute robot, Baymax, based on the latest Disney hit movie Big Hero 6. Check it out.

RG Gundam MK-II A.E.U.G Custom Build

Model: RG Gundam MK-II A.E.U.G
Modified built by G-Farmer.

MG Hi-v Gundam ver Ka. + HWS Expansion kit

Model: MG Hi-v Gundam ver Ka. + HWS Expansion kit
Modified built by kirakira2231

With his amazing work, kirakira2231 successfully strengthen the Hi-v Gundam with a lot of details... Great Work!

Painted Build - BB396 Build Burning Gundam

Bandai will release the new BB396 Build Burning Gundam this month.
Let's check out this awesome painted build by Tai's Factory.

SDBF Winning Gundam

This is a very interesting combination, if you watch the latest Gundam series - Build Fighter Try, you will definitely know the Winning Gundam can be separated into 3 portions. Check out the photos review below.

Feature Post

1/100 YR-04 Fire Lord – SNAA × Starry Craftsman Official Images Revealed!

The highly anticipated YR-04 Fire Lord (苍炎之魂 · 焱皇), the third installment in the “Imperial Lords” (皇者) series by SNAA and Starry Craftsman, ...

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